Camila Cabello Covers The New Issue Of Variety Magazine

Camila Cabello is on the cover of the new issue of Variety magazine. The young singer is on the cover to promote her upcoming new music and her new film, Cinderella as part of Variety’s “Power Of Young Hollywood 2019” article. Highlights from the interview are below.

On getting the role of Cinderella in Sony Pictures upcoming creation: “It was one of those things that felt like God handcrafted it for me and was, like, ‘Here you go.’ I just couldn’t say no. It’s honestly a dream for me. And also a little bit terrifying.”

On defending friend Taylor Swift: “Because she is my friend. And someone in her position — which is, like, on another level — I can’t imagine how many times she’s been let down by people, or gotten disappointed by friends who were just using her, or people who just wanted to be friends with Taylor Swift or whatever. I’m happy to be there for her as a person. Like, ‘Even when it’s not popular, I’ve got you. I’m, like, your real friend.’ With the Scooter thing, I one-hundred-percent feel her frustration. An artist of her caliber just being F–ed over like that, and not being able to have her masters? That sucks. It’s heartbreaking for her. And I do believe a lot of the systems in place for the music industry are kind of … messed up. When you think about how artists have to slave to make these things, and then you don’t own them, that is kind of a ridiculous concept.”

You can check out even more from Camila’s interview here.

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