Mena Massoud Surprises Crowd at D23 Expo

Mena Massoud made a surprise appearance at the D23 Expo yesterday, August 24. Mena hit the stage during “The Musical Journey of Disney’s Aladdin” presentation to celebrate the story’s journey.

Mena was joined on stage by the movie’s original Aladdin, Scott Weinger and the movie’s original Jasmine, Linda Larkin. Brad Kane, who was the original singing voice of Aladdin, was in attendance along with Regina Belle, Jamal Sims, Norm Lewis and Clinton Greenspan.

It was rumored that we would be hearing word that Disney was going ahead with a live action version of Return of Jafar at the Expo, but nothing has been announced yet. Fingers crossed we hear something regarding the movie soon!

Source: The Walt Disney Company/Image Group LA

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