Maisie Williams Chats Sustainability With LN-CC

Maisie Williams sat down with LN-CC magazine for a new feature. The young actress chatted to the outlet about the importance of sustainability and her future in this new article. Highlights from it can be found below.

On why climate change is important to her: “Climate change is important to me because it’s something I’ve been learning about since I was a child. Back then I heard all these horror stories of what was going to happen in the future if the climate increased by 1° or 2° and I was terrified by it when I was seven and now that I’m 22 I realise that everything that they told me is true and it’s important that we act faster than ever before.”

On what’s next for Maisie: “I am in the middle of making a documentary about the southern resident orca whales in the Pacific Northwest of America that are currently starving because they can’t get enough chinook salmon. The documentary is called “Searching for Chinook”. As well as that I’m trying to figure out what my next role will be hopefully it’s a good one 💥💥

You can check out even more from her interview here.

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