Kaitlyn Dever Brings Her Netflix Series, Unbelievable, To Capitol Hill

Kaitlyn Dever visited Washington D.C. yesterday, September 25, to attend a screening of her new Netflix series, Unbelievable. The young actress brought her powerful new series, based on real life event, to Capitol Hill in order for lawmakers to view ahead of the expiration of the Debbie Smith Act of 2004.

Dever, along with members of the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) and CBS Studios hoped that by screening the series to lawmakers, they would make the decision to renew the Debbie Smith Act of 2004. This “…law provides funding for crime labs to process rape kits and other DNA evidence and requires states to cut down on their rape kit backlogs. Tens of thousands of rape kits have been untested by U.S. police departments.”

This is so important and I am so happy to see Dever helping to bring light to it.


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