Tom Holland Appealed To Sony & Disney Over Spider-Man Deal

Tom Holland apparently helped seal the deal between Sony and Disney to keep Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The young actor apparently reached out to both outlets to express his feelings on the exit and the fans need to have him remain in the universe.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, “Sources say the star, 23, made multiple appeals to Disney chairman and CEO Bob Iger and Sony film chairman Tom Rothman to reach a resolution, announced Sept. 27, for Marvel to produce a third Spider-Man movie for Sony, and for the character to appear in at least one additional Disney-Marvel film.”

The site goes on to say, “Holland began flexing his diplomacy after the D23 wrapped Aug. 25. He leaned on Rothman to re-engage with Disney (the actor was able to leverage his clout because he also is set to star in Sony’s Uncharted) and also surprisingly reached out to Iger, beseeching one of Hollywood’s most powerful executives to return to the table.”

Good for Tom! The fans were definitely disappointed to hear that Spider-Man would be exiting.

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