BB Exclusive: Juliet Doherty Talks High Strung Free Dance, Thomas Doherty, & More with BB

In a little less than two weeks, High Strung Free Dance will be released and we had the amazing opportunity to talk with one of the stars of the movie, Juliet Doherty.

Juliet plays contemporary dancer, Barlow who is set to star in a new highly anticipated Broadway show. In our conversation with Juliet, we talked what it was like bringing this movie to life, the audition process, working with Thomas Doherty, her chemistry with costar, Harry Jarvis and so much more. You can check it out below.

What was it like filming this movie?
“I knew while we were filming this movie it was a rare, unusual, and incredible opportunity. It was the most unique experience I’ve ever had, blending a few of my many passions together – dancing, acting, and storytelling. Some of the longest work days of my life, yet, simultaneously blended with the some of most fun days I can remember!

How did you come to be a part of this movie?
“My manager told me they had been looking to cast this role for months, I sent a self tape the day I heard about it!”

What was the audition process like? Did you have to submit a dance audition or take part in a dance audition?
“I taped 2 scenes for the acting portion. I also had to audition with a choreographed contemporary routine I learned from a video. I remember that being challenging.”

You can read the rest of our interview with Juliet under the jump. High Strung Free Dance will be released on October 11.

Did you watch High Strung before or during the filming of High Strung Free Dance?
“I watched High Strung when it came out on Netflix. A lot of friends and dancers I love watching are in the first film. I watched it again before I auditioned, and might have (definitely) watched it another time on the way to Romania for filming High Strung Free Dance.

The music shop scene is one of my favorite scenes in the movie because you look like you are having so much fun. Was it as fun as it looks to film and do you really know how to play the drums?
“The music shop scene is one of my favorite and most stressful memories from filming. I was so nervous about playing the instruments because I had no prior experience of playing the drums or the trombone… I believe the trombone piece was cut from the film, but there are clips to prove it – I laughed a lot at myself that day.”

How long did it take to prepare and film the final number?
“We choreographed and rehearsed the final piece in 2 weeks leading up to the shoot. During this time, however, we were simultaneously learning a lot of other choreography for different parts of the film. It is 15 minutes long and it took 3 days to film! We broke it up into thirds and were on set for approximately 14-16 hours each day.”

Do you have a favorite memory from set?
“Too many! I have such a clear recollection of my scenes with Jane. I think I was just trying to soak up all the information I could while I was on set with her. She is the calmest force. Even though our scenes together were some of the toughest emotionally, she always brought an ease and concentration to the space.”

What was it like working with Thomas Doherty?
“Working with Thomas is exactly how you’d imagine it. He’s always hilarious, always kind, always charming, and ~ actually ~ an amazing dance partner.”

Barlow and Charlie’s chemistry really resonates on screen, especially during the final number, was your chemistry immediate or did you have to work on it?
“It was pretty immediate. We first met over Skype several weeks before filming, we got along instantly. By the time we were filming we were best pals.”

What do you hope fans get out of High Strung Free Dance?
“I hope our fans, no matter what their dreams, will see how much can happen when you stay true to your aspirations, trust in your ability, and make yourself heard when the time is right”.

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