BB Exclusive: Marvin “Krondon” Jones III Talks Black Lightning Season 3

Marvin “Krondon” Jones III’s Tobias Whale has been the main villain on Black Lightning for the past two seasons, but this third season, his character has taken a step back due to a new villain in town. However, even though Whale is down, he is not down for the count.

We had the chance to speak with Jones regarding the new season and the situation surrounding his character in the first couple of episodes of the season. During our chat, he also talked about working on this show, getting the role of Tobias Whale, his love for showrunner, Salim Akil, Whale’s relationship with Black Lightning, and so much more.

There is a nice little surprise appearance from Akil during the our chat, which you will hear above. We chose to not remove that portion of the chat because his appearance led to the conversation surrounding Akil and the appreciation Jones has for the executive producer.

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