Lili Reinhart Covers The November Issue Of Glamour Magazine

Lili Reinhart is on the cover of the November issue of Glamour magazine. The young actress is on the cover to promote positive body image, anxiety, and so much more. Highlights from her interview are below.

On dealing with depression and anxiety: “I’ve experienced depression and anxiety. Not constantly, but I’m still experiencing it. I have spells of time where I feel completely unmotivated, I don’t want to do anything and I question myself. I don’t know how to handle stress very well. I find that talking about it and sharing my experience with other people, and reminding myself that I’m not alone has been incredibly therapeutic.”

On being inspired by her Hustlers’ costar, Jennifer Lopez: “Jennifer Lopez has said about herself, ‘I’m always the hardest worker in the room and I never stop,’. I admire that and that’s what I’ve been doing. At least this past year has been trying to take advantage of where I am in my life. I don’t have kids, I’m young, in my 20s – I can take the time and energy to put into my career.”

On her poetry: “It’s therapeutic. I would rather feel too much, than feel nothing at all. Poetry gives me that feeling that my feelings are normal, justified. That other people have felt heartache and grief. I know that the things I’ve written are what 99% of human beings have felt, when they read my book.”

You can check out even more from her interview here.

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