REVIEW: Charlize Theron Shines in Bombshell

Captivating, moving, powerful, thought-provoking, Bombshell is one of the best films of 2019. Based on the true story of Fox News anchors, Megyn Kelly (Charlize Theron) and Gretchen Carlson (Nicole Kidman), the story follows these two women and fictionalized Fox News up and comer, Kayla Pospisil (Margot Robbie) as sexually harassment allegations surrounding FOX News CEO, Roger Alies (John Lithgow) come to light .

Theron is clearly the stand out in this film, she does a phenomenal job portraying Kelly. There is no denying Theron not only embodied this character, but also took the time to research the real life person she was bringing to life. Theron captures it all, the accent, the movement, the tone, at times it’s almost as if Megyn Kelly is actually in the film. The hair and makeup team on this film knocks it out of the ball park.

Kidman and Robbie’s portrayals as Carlson and Pospisil are just as captivating, although not quite as moving. These two play a strong part in the film, yet it is Kelly’s film and the decisions she made when the sexual harassment was coming to light. Lithgow also does a wonderful job as Alies, truly becoming the man who harassed these women. Alies is not an easy character to bring to life, but Lithgow did it justice.

Bombshell may not seem like a film for everyone but it should be. Director, Jay Roach, doesn’t just focus on one woman’s point of view when it comes to sexual harassment in this film, instead he encompasses multiple womens’ points of view. The film is constantly forcing the audience to ask themselves, “What would I do to get my dream job?” or “Would I speak up?” The film also focuses on the incredibly hard choices people make when faced with these situations and how their choices not only affect themselves, but those around them.

Bombshell forces everyone to face the realities of the world and that behavior like this, and abuses of power, can’t continue to be pushed under the rug. The challenges faced by the women in this film are challenges encountered every day by men and women all around the world. This film is definitely a must watch this year.

Grade: A+

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