Shay Rudolph Chats The Baby-Sitters Club & Acting With Flaunt Magazine

Shay Rudolph stars in a new feature for Flaunt magazine. The young actress sat down for the feature to promote her new Netflix series, The Baby-Sitters Club. Highlights from the interview are below.

On how she prepared for her role as Stacey: “Prepping for the role of Stacey was so much fun!! I binge-read as many of the BSC books as I could get my hands on while my mom and I drove up to Canada for filming. I had lots of free time in the car so it was the perfect opportunity to soak up as much info about Stacey as I could. I also really wanted to portray Stacey’s Type 1 Diabetes as accurately as possible, so I interviewed some teens with juvenile Type 1 Diabetes. I asked them what it felt like when their blood pressure is low or high and what it’s like living with an insulin pump and the stigma of that if there is any for them. This process really helped me connect with Stacey and understand her better.”

On the best qualities of her generation: “I think that my generation is awesome!! We definitely know how to take things into our own hands and make the changes that we desperately want to see. My generation is so loving, accepting, and honestly really powerful. We are the generation that has been pushed into a social world at such young ages and we’ve never NOT been surrounded by information and opinions. While it can be overwhelming, it also allows us to form strong opinions of our own in our early teen years!! We are able to reflect on the hardships that older generations have gone through while making shifts about things that WE care about that they may not. We don’t fear people with lots of power which is a really admirable trait. Just you wait until we are all in our 20s and 30s and we are the ones with the power!!!!”

You can check out even more from her interview here. The Baby-Sitters Club is available for streaming now!

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