Jacob Elordi Covers GQ Australia

Jacob Elordi is on the cover of GQ Australia! The Kissing Booth 2 star is featured on the magazine’s July/August issue.

In the issue, on his decision to return to Australia during the pandemic, his new screenplay, his career, The Kissing Booth 2, speaking out and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On deciding to return to Australia during the pandemic: “I was supposed to start shooting(Euphoria) but sxxt was starting to get weird in L.A., and the last place on earth I want to be when sxxt gets weird is America , so I booked a ticket and dipped out.”

On his new screenplay: “I’ll sit for a couple of hours and write and do rewrites, and then I’ll read and then I have a little area where I can paint. It’s been really good to just have time to get back to the basics of what I like to do. There’s no rules to it and I don’t have a deadline, so it’s fun to just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.”

You can read his full interview here. The issue will go on sale on July 20!

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