Shawn Mendes Talks with Sir Elton John for New VMAN Cover

Shawn Mendes is on the cover of VMAN magazine. The singer is on the cover of the magazine’s #45 and is interviewed by Sir Elton John.

In the issue, the duo talk about Shawn’s new album, Wonder, touring, his new song, “Can’t Imagine”, his relationship with Camila Cabello, his song. “Song for No One”, and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On “Can’t Imagine”: “I was going through this whole thing of like, ‘It’s going to be okay. If it all goes away, it’ll be okay. But if I lose my girlfriend, I don’t know if I’ll be okay.’ That’s where ‘Can’t Imagine’ spawned from. What’s on the record is [me] thinking of words on my first pass, stumbling [on] words, and I ended up recording just to get the melody down. I ended up keeping it because of the magic inside of it…It’s definitely made me very aware that no matter how prepared you are for the world, and no matter how practiced you are to be human, there is nothing like sharing it with somebody. The album feels very empowering and strong, but I want it to end on a very honest note.”

On his relationship with Cabello: “You know what it was more than anything? I don’t know if it was something that was a ‘me thing’ or a ‘men thing,’ but I think for seven years, I was on such a speedy path down one way with blinders on, and I wasn’t keeping in touch with my family and friends…but when I landed with Camila, immediately she had her family around more. [She’s] all about the family and friends, and it really made me like, “Oh, I should call my mom.” I started reaching back out to my family and friends and all of these connections I felt were further away…I felt a little bit alone out there and she changed that for me.”

To read their full chat click here. What a great interview!

Source: VMAN

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