Camila Mendes Covers Health Magazine

Camila Mendes is on the cover of Health Magazine. The actress is on the cover of the magazine’s upcoming April issue.

In the issue, Camila talks returning to work during a pandemic, her mental health, her definition of wellness, her heritage, and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On returning to work: “It’s interesting. When we first started shooting season 5, I started having panic attacks, which was strange for me. I think it was because I was in Vancouver and borders were closed—no one could visit us. You start to miss your home and your life, and you don’t have your friends or community with you. I want to say, I am so grateful to be working and would never want this to come off that I am not. Taking baths helped with the panic attacks. I also learned in those moments to put down my phone and take a break from technology and get in the tub with some music on and a book. I never did that before the pandemic, and now I love that I’ve learned to do that for myself.”

On her definition of wellness: “For me, it’s taking care of myself in the most immediate way. What do I need—and what does my body need right now? Sometimes I’ll randomly sit down and check in and be like: ‘What does my body want? Do I need water, sleep, or to move around and stretch? Should I journal?’ I think being well is about checking in with your physical and mental health and evaluating what you really need at that moment.”

You can read her full interview here. She looks great on the cover!

Source: Health Magazine

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