Selena Gomez Chats The Pandemic, Love, & Revelación With The LA Times

Selena Gomez sat down with the LA Times to promote her new EP, Revelación. The young singer/actress plans to drop her first ever Spanish EP tomorrow, March 12.

On how she benefited from the pandemic: “The Spanish record wouldn’t have happened had I just kept going with the pace of my life and all my other commitments. A few years ago I would have never had taken these opportunities because of my insecurities or things that I was dealing with mentally. It helped me change my outlook — being able to say ‘If it doesn’t happen right now, that’s OK. That just means it’ll be later or whenever.’ It’s nice to be in a place where I feel lucky and grounded and really happy to just be working.

On the difficulties of creating a Spanish EP: “There’s a lot of slang that I needed to learn. Spanish changes generationally as well as [geographically]. Sometimes I was like, ‘Wait! Hang on! I need to understand!’ There would be moments where I would end the [recording] session because I would get so frustrated,” Gomez admits. “Not just trying to create an album from my basement … but making it sound authentic. That’s something that requires meticulous care. But now, I think I actually sound better in Spanish than I do in English.”

You can check out even more from her interview here.

Source: Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times

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