EXCLUSIVE: Molly Bernard Talks NYC, Outfits & the Final Season of Younger

Molly Bernard opened up about the final season of her hit show, Younger. In the chat, Bernard talked what fans can expect from the final season, playing Lauren, filming in New York City, and so much more. Check out what she had to say below.

What can fans expect from the final season?
“Fans can expect to see the unexpected, there are rekindlings, possible rekindlings, left and right. There are work crises and love triangles and career snafoos. You’re going to love it.”

What will you miss most about playing Lauren?
“Her unconditional love for herself and how that manifests in her bold, sometimes wacky behavior. She just lives at an 11, on a one out of 10 scale. She lives on a 30 on a one out of 10 scale. She’s my inspiration. I’ll really miss her. And, in terms of the show as a whole, I will really miss our cast. I’ll miss the deep friendships that exist and the crazy chemistry that our cast has. It’s why our show has lasted for this long and why it works. So I will really miss that alchemy.”

The final season is currently streaming on Paramount+!

How are you similar and how are you different to Lauren?
“Oh boy. At this point, I feel that we’ve merged quite a bit. I think I’ve made Lauren slightly more cynical and Lauren has made me brighter, more confident and bigger. We’re different people. I’m pretty nervous. I’m a pretty anxious gal. Sometimes I’m a little over serious and Lauren is so even, and she’s very earnest, even when it’s at a very high octave, high-octane, yeah, it’s still really earnest. And I just love that about her.”

What was your favorite memory from the series?
“My favorite memory from the last seven seasons is probably a bookend kind of vibe. I like to think about my first day on set, which was the scene in the locker room with Hillary [Duff] and Sutton [Foster] and just meeting them and talking about Eliza’s bush and punching her in the tit. And it moved to the Bryant Park, the topless, and then thinking about how we just wrapped and Sutton embracing me as they called wrap, a series wrap for me and me being at Hillary’s birth with her baby. It’s just the journey that we’ve taken as a cast. It’s just, I was never supposed to be a series regular. I was just six lines in the pilot. I was just a guest star. And so to think that this is where I am now, one answer I could give is my favorite experience, but these past seven seasons has been on the show, doing this show for seven seasons. It’s been a tremendous gift in my life.”

What was your favorite outfit from this season?
“What I wear in Lauren and Max’s fantasy date. I have this cute little like pho tuxedo, white tank top, silk white tank top with a little black collar and kind of pearly buttons like this and a little suit, black miniskirt. And I just found it so chic and because the skirt is so short, Lauren loves the short skirt that I felt it was also quintessentially Lauren, because it’s like a little mask, but that skirt’s so short, it’s a little femme.”

Will you miss shooting in New York?
“New York really is its own character on the show. And I will miss shooting in New York. I hope I can only be so lucky to have more jobs in New York. It is like acting with another person. You never know what’s coming your way. Who’s going to cross the street and who’s going to come out of a taxi cab. One time we were filming, it was my first day back, last season on season six. And I was filming Kelsey going into the office as her first day as publisher and on the street, I had just wrapped an independent film that I did called Milk Water. And my costar of that film was walking on sixth Avenue and he didn’t stop because he knew that I was working, but he just did a drive by. It was just that’s the beauty of filming in New York. You can never close a set unless you’re inside of a building. So if you’re shooting on the street, anyone can just pop on by.”

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