EXCLUSIVE: Director Stefano Sollima Talks his New Movie, Tom Clancy’s Without Remorse

Director Stefano Sollima is gearing up to release the next movie under his name, Tom Clancy’s Without Remorse and sat down with us to chat about brining the novel to life.

In the chat, Sollima also talked about his time as a war zone camera operator and how that affected his career and the movie. Check out what he had to say below.

On movies skipping theaters and going straight to platforms like Amazon Prime Video:
“In a time like this, which we are facing, the movie business is facing a crisis like never before. I think that this solution may save a lot of films. Also, it gives studio audiences a sort of gift. And we need to be thankful for that.”

On how his experience as a war zone camera operator informed him as a filmmaker:
“When you work in a war zone area, you have the responsibility to report the reality you are in in a truthful and respectful way. Most of all, I think that you cannot dirty the reality with your own point of view. You don’t want to judge what you are experiencing, because that is up to the audience to judge on their own. This is the spirit of the objective reporting.

On how that translated into the movie:
“I feel that the movie translates more or less in the same way. I need to inform, to study a lot, to know everything about the word that I’m going to portray. When I put together, when I work on a character, I don’t want to judge it. So I try to leave this pleasure to the audience. It’s a way to be close to the story, to your character, but at the same time, be respectful”.

Tom Clancy’s Without Remorse will be released to Amazon Prime Video tomorrow, April 30.

Photo credit: Nadja Klier © 2020 Paramount Pictures

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