Jesy Nelson Looks Beautiful On The Cover Of Cosmopolitan UK

Jesy Nelson is on the cover of the June issue of Cosmopolitan UK. This new cover marks the first solo cover for the singer after her departure from Little Mix late last year. Highlights from her interview are below.

On being free to wear what she wants since leaving Little Mix: “Now I’m on my own, I can genuinely wear what I want to wear. Before, I was wearing what I thoughtI should wear, because I was too frightened to wear certain things incase I looked bigger than the others. I’d wear corsets and shit like that to make myself look the size they were. Now, I’m not looking at the screen thinking, ‘Oh my god, I don’t look as good as them.’ I feel free.”

On leaving the band for the sake of her mental health: “The last music video we did [Sweet Melody] was the breaking point. We’d been in lockdown, and [that had been] the first time I could have a break and be at home around people that I love. It was the happiest I’d ever felt, and I didn’t realise that until I went back to work. I immediately became a different person. I had anxiety. Whenever we had a music video, I put an enormous amount of pressure on myself to try and lose weight. I have a fear of looking back on the camera. If I don’t like what I see, I find it so hard to be in front of the camera and feel amazing and perform.”

On continuing to make new music: “I feel like there have been a few people who don’t understand why I left Little Mix, but am now in the studio making music. A lot of people said, ‘I thought you came out of the band to focus on your mental health?’ I never said when I put out my statement that I was coming out of the band to never be in the public eye or perform again, or do music. I said I was coming out of the band because I genuinely couldn’t deal with the pressure of being in a girl band. For people to think that I would just stop working completely is crazy, because[for] me, working on my mental health is going to the studio, and creating music that I love. That’s what clears my head and makes me happy. It’s good for my mental health. I couldn’t deal with the pressure of being in the girl group. It wasn’t that I couldn’t deal with the pressure of being in the spotlight. I was constantly compared to three other girls and that mentally drove me to a really dark place, and I couldn’t put myself through that any more. I need to do things that make me happy now, and people might think that’s selfish, but sometimes in life you have to put yourself first, you have to love yourself, and do what makes you happy.”

You can check out even more from her interview here.

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