Joey King Covers The Fall Issue Of Byrdie

Joey King is on the cover of the Fall issue of Byrdie. The young actress is on the cover to promote her new Netflix film, The Kissing Booth 3. Highlights from her interview are below.

On how makeup can change her mood: “I love makeup. If I just throw on a little bit, my mood increases, even if I’m not seeing anyone. Like today, I had a lot of stuff to do, but when I was finished with that stuff, after I showered, I didn’t have anything to do necessarily. So I swiped a little mascara and put on a little eyeliner, brushed on my eyebrows and I was like, ooh, shit. It’s just a way to reclaim your day.”

On the difficulties she faced during the pandemic: “I went through a lot of weird, personal relationship-with-my-body, medical stuff. I completely lost my enjoyment of exercising during the pandemic,” she continues. “I had no drive, no motivation. I pretty much just stopped working out altogether.”

On her hopes for the future: “Whatever I’m doing, whether it be something exciting or mundane, I just try to ground myself in the here and now, as generic as that sounds. To put down this little rectangle box in my hand. I mean, we’re all gonna die someday… in a good way. I’m just gaining more of a sense of what really matters.”

You can check out even more from her interview here.

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