Advance Review: Modern Love Season Two Is Just As Charming The Second Time Around

Modern Love returns for season two and the new season is just as charming and heartfelt as the first. Based on the iconic New York Times column of the same name, each episode dives into the uniqueness that is love and the ups and downs that come with it. Whether it is a beloved item belonging to a past love or those first few butterflies fluttering in your stomach moments after meeting someone special, Modern Love manages to bring a light back to the world of romance, while also shedding light on the difficulties that come with it.

As with any anthology, each episode features a new story with a new set of characters. From a young girl struggling with her sexuality to a couple trying to find love in the middle of a pandemic, each episode feels real and relatable. Viewers will not have to look far in order to find something in these episodes that they themselves have experienced at some point in their life. It is what makes these episodes so heart-warming and a joy to watch.

This new season includes terrific performances from a number of actors across all mediums. From Kit Harington and Lucy Boynton’s wonderful chemistry in the episode “Strangers on a Train” to Minnie Drivers’ tear-jerking performance in the episode “On A Serpentine Road, With The Top Down”, there is not a bad performance in the bunch. If anything, each episode manages to highlight the best talents of each actor.

If there is a negative to the season, it’s that the episodes came out in the Summer and not the Fall or Winter. These episodes are meant to be watched curled up under a ton of blankets with a hot drink in hand. However, I guess a fruity drink will have to do, but this is definitely a season you will want to check out.

Modern Love season two will drop on Amazon Prime tomorrow, August 13.

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