Lucy Hale Looks Amazing On The Cover Of SHAPE

Lucy Hale is on the cover of the new issue of SHAPE magazine. The actress is on the cover to promote her new series, Ragdoll. Highlights from her interview are below.

On growing more confident as she has gotten older: “For much of my life, I thought I had to be cute and sit there. That’s so boring. I’ve developed more confidence because I realize I’m more than the way I look. One day, I was like, Wait, I’m a good person. I work really hard. I’ve been given gifts. I’m smart. I can have good conversations.”

On willing her role in Ragdoll into existence: “I believe in manifesting your future. I had written down in a journal, during COVID, a dream job I wanted: It was working in a different city and being challenged — all the things Ragdoll is. The power of positive thinking is a real thing.”

On fitness: “I do a lot of strength training because I like to feel strong. I’m 5-foot-2, but I like to feel like a badass and to know that I could kick someone’s ass. So I do pull-ups and do squats with the big-boy weights. I even flipped one of those big tires once. And I just discovered Pilates. My butt has never been higher, and my abs have never been stronger. Our bodies are so amazing and resilient, and we don’t give them enough credit. I spent much of my teen years and early 20s not loving my body and not being good to it. I’m trying to make up for that because we get only one body. We have to take care of our temple.”

You can check out even more from Lucy’s interview here. Ragdoll premieres on AMC on November 11.

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