Tom Holland Is One Of GQ’s Men Of The Year

Tom Holland is on one of the covers for GQ’s “Men Of The Year” issue. The young actor is on the latest cover to promote his upcoming film, Spider-Man: No Way Home. Highlights from his interview are below.

On getting the nickname “Sick Note” whilst working on the musical Billy Elliot: “I got the nickname Sick Note, which frustrates me to my core, even today. I was too young to do that show. I was incredibly underdeveloped as a kid, and I would get sick, or I would be tired, or I would get injured, and I’d need to take a break because you’re doing three shows a week, rehearsing every single day. Now as an actor I push through everything, because I’m not going to be Sick Note.”

On his biggest fault: “One of my biggest faults is that I’m an impossible people pleaser. I don’t like the idea of people not liking me. So I will do whatever I can do to make that not the case.”

On the role Zendaya has had on his life: “Having her in my life was so instrumental to my sanity. She is so good at being the role model for young guys and girls. When anyone comes up, like, ‘Can I have a picture?,’ it’s never a bad time. Whereas my initial reaction was: ‘Why are you talking to me? Leave me alone.'”

You can check out even more from his interview here.

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