Selena Gomez Chats Rare Beauty & Social Media With InStyle

Selena Gomez sat down with InStyle while out promoting the newest products from her beauty line, Rare Beauty. During her conversation, Selena spoke about her line, social media, and so much more. Highlights from her interview below.

On her earliest makeup memories: “At the age of 7 I was already working and in the hair and makeup chair. Even then I noticed certain trends and how I didn’t match them. That made me question my own beauty, which is a huge part of why I created Rare Beauty. I wanted quality products that I feel confident and comfortable wearing. But more importantly, I wanted to change the narrative and knock down dated beauty norms.”

On transiting to the beauty side of business: “It’s been a learning process, but really wonderful because I have incredible people that have guided me through it. It feels really empowering to be able to have a say over everything that goes on in my company. I’m not afraid to ask the silly questions in order for me to learn more about it. I feel in control and I’m definitely proud of the work that we’ve done.”

On taking a step back from social media: “At one point Instagram became my whole world, and it was really dangerous. In my early 20s, I felt like I wasn’t pretty enough. There was a whole period in my life when I thought I needed makeup and never wanted to be seen without it. The older I got, the more I evolved and realized that I needed to take control of what I was feeling. I wanted to be able to look in the mirror and feel confident to be who I am. Taking a break from social media was the best decision that I’ve ever made for my mental health. I created a system where I still don’t have my passwords. And the unnecessary hate and comparisons went away once I put my phone down. I’ll have moments where that weird feeling will come back, but now I have a much better relationship with myself.”

You can check out her full interview here.

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