Joey King Covers Backstage Magazine

Joey King is on the cover of Backstage magazine. The actress is on the cover of the magazine’s February issue.

In the issue, King talks her her mantra when it comes to producing, struggles with getting people to see her as an adult, changing people’s minds, and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On her mantra when it comes to producing projects: “Don’t surround yourself with the ‘yes, yes, yes’ men. The most important thing for producing, acting—anything—is to surround yourself with people who aren’t afraid to tell you the truth. Have crazy ideas, and don’t be afraid to say them. But don’t be a dick about it.”

On the struggles she faces getting people to see her as an adult: “People within the industry, when they’re addressing me and realizing that I have this role of producer now—I still feel like sometimes they think they’re addressing 15-year-old me. My biggest struggle is trying to get people to see me.’

You can read her full interview here. What a great interview!

Source: Backstage

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