REVIEW: I Want You Back is a Different Spin on the Rom-Com Genre

I Want You Back follows Emma (Jenny Slate) and Peter (Charlie Day), who were just dumped by their significant others and have no idea what to do with their lives. When the two happen to stumble upon one another in their office building’s stairwell, they begin to bond over their mutual breakup. It’s during this bonding that the pair hatch a plan to work together get their exes back. As with any romantic comedy though, everything seems to be going swimmingly with their plan until the pair unknowingly begins to fall for one another

I Want You Back is a lovely and modern update to the romantic comedy genre. The story is a different take on the “winning our exes back” plot which feels new and refreshing.  The most disappointing aspect about this film is that Emma’s storyline doesn’t live up to Peter’s. Peter’s storyline allows for Day to utilize all of his comedy chops in a variety of different ways and expand upon his character. Emma’s storyline is too stereotypical of a romantic comedy movie and only leaves her with one breakout scene. I felt the writers  underutilized her comedy skills in this movie, which is a shame because she is a great comedic actress.

With that being said, Day and Slate were the perfect casting for this movie. The pair worked well off one another and managed to capture the chemistry that is much needed in rom-coms. However, the chemistry didn’t just stop with these two. Day and Slate also had fantastic chemistry with their costars, Scott Eastwood (Emma’s ex Noah), Gina Rodriguez (Peter’s Ex Anne), and Manny Jacinto (Anne’s new love interest). No matter who was on screen together, you were guaranteed a funny scene, especially with scenes featuring Eastwood and Day. I really enjoyed their friendship and their scenes together. The two took the idea of a “bromance” to a whole new level.

I Want You Back is a cute romantic comedy that brings a breath of fresh air to that world. With a wonderful cast behind it, this film is the perfect Valentine’s Day treat for couples and friends, but word of the wise, I would keep the kids away for this one. This one is just for the adults.

Grade: A-

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