REVIEW: DOG is Enjoyable But is Still Your Typical Dog Centric Movie

In United Artist Releasing’s DOG, after suffering a brain injury while on deployment, Army Ranger Briggs (Channing Tatum) has been trying to convince the Army he is okay to return to active duty. Still concerned about his well being, the Army has continued to put a stop to his deployment plans. Briggs (Channing Tatum), though, will do anything to get back into the field including driving his former teammate’s K-9 Belgian Malinois, Lulu to his funeral. If he can get Lulu to the funeral in time, Briggs may finally have his chance at returning to active duty. But, what should be an easy road trip turns into a trip that will not only change Briggs’ life but Lulu’s as well.

DOG is exactly what you expect it to be, a feel good, dog filled movie. Described as a buddy comedy, I wouldn’t exactly say they hit the mark on that description. The comedy is hit and miss and the movie has a more serious feel to it. The whole theme of the movie is focused on the trauma affecting both Briggs and Lulu from their times in the Army and how they end up rescuing each other. There are also a number of references to Briggs’ time in the Army and his opinion on certain events that took place during his deployment. These references and opinions may not sit well with everyone watching, but remember that these things are not what the movie is all about. It is about a man and a dog coming together to try and overcome their trauma.

As the only real human cast member featured in the movie, Channing Tatum holds his own alongside the three adorable Belgian Malinois, Zuza, Britta and Lana-5, who portrayed Lulu. Tatum plays well alongside the three pups and creates a relationship with them that radiates off the screen. I am not 100% sure many other actors could of pulled this off.

There is a tearjerker scene, because every dog movie has to have one, so have the tissues ready. Other than that, the movie is your standard dog centric movie. I don’t think I would recommend running out to see the movie in theaters, but it is definitely a movie I would check out when it hits On Demand or streaming. And, if you are a dog owner, make sure to have your pup by your side while you watch so you can get some much needed cuddles in.

Grade: B-

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