EXCLUSIVE: Lily Mae Harrington Talks Felicia & Brit’s Relationship & the Upcoming Season Finale of Single Drunk Female

In last night’s (March 10) episode of Single Drunk Female, “Higher Parent”, fans were gifted with a multitude of information setting up for the show’s upcoming season finale. We got the chance to speak with Lily Mae Harrington, who plays Felicia, about last night’s episode and what fans can expect in the season finale.

I’m not going to lie. It’s a little bit of a shock hearing obviously your normal talking voice compared to Felicia’s.

“I love that. I had a couple of meetings last week and two of the people were like, ‘I really wasn’t sure if you were going to show up with the Boston accent or not.'”

Do you ever just throw it out there to surprise people?

“I’ve never done that with Boston. To mess with people at parties, I’ve pretended I’m British before, because I do an okay British. But no, I’ve never actually done that, but I’m originally from Massachusetts so sometimes it just comes out…like when someone gets me super hyped and there’s anyone else from Massachusetts in the room, I feel like a lot of people, we all just start talking like it for fun.

And, I am constantly doing it with my friends from Massachusetts when they’re around me. And all of my uncles and aunts still have the accent. My parents don’t because they moved out of Massachusetts when they were 18 and then came back. So when I’m home, I’m still constantly hearing it.”

Was that something that when you were filming, it was kind of hard to get out of since you had to do it so much? Or could you easily just turn the accent off once the camera stops rolling?

“It was one of those things I could easily turn off. I think just because I’ve heard it forever. But, it’s definitely something I’ve always got in my back pocket.”

The rest of the interview can be found under the jump. The interview contains spoilers from the episode so read at your own risk.

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Let’s get down to the real reason we both are here, let’s talk about last night’s episode. We finally find Felicia and Brit on common ground.


What was it like finally being able to film a positive scene with Sasha Compère?

“It was so nice to finally not be a bitch to Sasha. That was fun. That was good. It was nice to actually be able to really work with each other’s energies instead of me being Sam’s conciliary which was kind of the reference when we were figuring out the dynamics between them. Sam’s the godfather and I’m the guy you got to talk to before you get to the godfather. So it was nice actually being on an equal playing field as Sasha. And it was so nice to also see Sasha’s Brit come out of her shell and see a different side of her. I think that’s what’s cool about Felicia, is she kind of lets them be themselves, and isn’t a judgmental person when it comes to drugs or experiences or just life.”

Why do you think people find it easy to open up to Felicia?

“I think a person that got pregnant at 18 and has a nine year old at 28 has experienced a lot. She’s also in a way still living out her own party days because she did get pregnant so young. And that’s something that has always made sense to me based on her actions and where we see her and why she still really has that party bug and is happy to jump on the mushroom train when Brit presents it.”

But even though, as you said, Felicia wants to jump on the party train, there’s been a number of times throughout the season where she’s been the most levelheaded one.


You see it at the end of last night’s episode, she has the one liner where they’re like, ‘let’s do this again tomorrow.’ And she’s like, ‘That’s a bad idea.’ Felicia steps in sometimes and acts as the mom. She is reminding the rest of the characters that it’s okay to have fun, but there’s also times where we have to step back.

“Absolutely. And I think naturally having a child or someone you have to go home to and be present in life for, that naturally happen. Right? I mean, even when someone has a dog that kind of naturally happens. But that’s what’s really cool about her. There are these different levels that exist within her. Which is great as an actor, because I just feel like I have this incredible freedom with her. That she can say and do anything that she wants. And it’s such a joy to play.”

With the season finale right around the corner, will we see more positive interactions between Brit and Felicia?

“I definitely think that the mushroom trip experience was certainly a bonding one between the two of them. And I do think that Brit and Felicia have things to be able to go back and forth with in a friendship and learn from each other. I am hopeful that they’ll continue to be friends.”

Can you preview what fans can expect to see for Felicia in the season finale?

“We’ve heard about Felicia’s flirtations with men in episode five. And you might actually get to see that in action. You might just get to see a little taste of that.”

Has there been one thing about playing Felicia over the course of this season that you didn’t expect when you first started playing her in the season premiere?

“Yeah. I mean, making TV is so interesting. Especially with characters and where acts go and what you might even think about your own character in the first episode and then it goes somewhere else. For example, with me, it definitely started out how Felicia was written in the pilot and kind of her description. It was definitely like she was this kind of bad single mom and she was not a great mom. I think that’s a big thing that shifted after the pilot and really talking about it with the show runners and analyzing that we don’t want to do the bad mom thing and that she is actually a great mom. So that dynamic definitely grew and made her so much deeper in my eyes than maybe what I first assumed.”

As we wrap, what are you hoping fans get out of the season finale?

“I’m hoping that they take away that adulting and becoming the best version of yourself, whether or not that’s sobriety involved is hard. And that even when you might be taking care of yourself, there are many other factors in life that can shake you up.”

*This interview has been edited for length and clarity

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