Caleb McLaughlin Promotes “Soul Travel” & Stranger Things With Complex

Caleb McLaughlin sat down with COMPLEZX while out promoting his new single, “Soul Travel”. Caleb unveiled his latest track earlier today, May 6. Highlights from his interview are below.

On fans finally getting to hear “Soul Travel”: “It’s so special to me that the world gets to finally hear “Soul Travel.” It’s a fun song, but also means a lot to me. “Soul Travel” is more than just a song. It’s a love story and a film. I also want people to know that I’m not just an actor who enjoys music, this is a spiritual thing for me. I never wanted to just be an artist and be in the industry, I’ve wanted to be a lot of different things but this is my calling.”

On whether music has been able to give him the freedom to express himself: “100 percent. People may know me as an actor first where I portray other people and all these different characters, but this time this is Caleb. The music is my own thoughts and allows me to have full creative expression.”

On what fans can expect from his character Lucas in the next season of Stranger Things: “Lucas has evolved so much. You’ll see Lucas’ maturity, but you’ll also see that he is a lost teenager just trying to figure it all out. Lucas has always believed in being there for his friends and you’ll see that a lot this season. I love Lucas and seeing him grow and learn new things about himself. This season I had to take it to a different level in my acting and think deeply about how I wanted people to see him this season. He has some vulnerable moments this season that you’ll get to see.”

You can check out even more from his interview here.

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