Glen Powell Chats Top Gun: Maverick With EW

Glen Powell caught up with EW while out promoting his new film, Top Gun: Maverick, at CinemaCon earlier this month. The actor stars as Hangman in the upcoming Tom Cruise led sequel. Highlights from his interview are below.

On his character: “He would probably consider himself the greatest weapon the navy’s ever produced. He’s a cocky pilot who has a good time flying. In a very intense movie, he’s having the best time of anybody.”

On his Dad showing him Top Gun for the first time: “Movies are a big part of my family. I liken him showing me Top Gun to a dad playing catch with his son for the first time. When he handed me that VHS and said, ‘We’re going to watch Top Gun,’ you could tell it was a moment.”

On training pre-production with cast members: “We were all in the trenches together. The fact that you wake up in the morning and know that at least a couple of you are going to puke, that’s a very galvanizing process.”

You can check out even more from his interview here. Top Gun: Maverick opens in theaters on May 27.

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