Jennifer Lawrence Covers The October Issue Of Vogue

Jennifer Lawrence is on the cover of the new issue of Vogue. The actress is on the cover to promote her new film, Causeway. Highlights from her interview are below.

On why she chose to produce and star in Causeway: “At first I didn’t know. I think I was just off-the-bat drawn to the rhythm. I like a fast-paced Marvel movie as much as the next person. But I do miss the slow melody of a character-driven story. I was like, We have to make this. Let’s make it now. I don’t really know why I’m making a movie or why I’m drawn to make a movie until it’s in retrospect.”

On motherhood: “It’s so scary to talk about motherhood. Only because it’s so different for everybody. If I say, It was amazing from the start, some people will think, ‘It wasn’t amazing for me at first’, and feel bad. Fortunately I have so many girlfriends who were honest. Who were like, ‘It’s scary. You might not connect right away. You might not fall in love right away’. So I felt so prepared to be forgiving. I remember walking with one of my best friends at, like, nine months, and being like, ‘Everyone keeps saying that I will love my baby more than my cat. But that’s not true. Maybe I’ll love him as much as my cat?’”

You can check out even more from her interview here. Causeway premieres at the Toronto International Film Festival later this month.

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