Glen Powell Covers The New Issue Of GQ Hype

Glen Powell is on the cover of the new issue of GQ Hype. The actor is on the cover to promote his new film, Devotion. Highlights from his interview are below.

On life changing overnight: “It’s been night and day. Things that have been passion projects for years and things that I really believe in, filmmakers that I’ve always wanted to work with, those things are just finding their way.”

On following love with TV at his grandmother’s: “The TV in our kitchen was a TV that my grandmother got for signing up for a bank account. If you stuck a fork in the top, it worked well. I grew up watching that stuff with such reverence and focus,” he says, dimples activating at the memory. “Because if I turned the fork a little off, I would lose the picture.”

You can check out even more from his interview here.

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