Marsai Martin Covers The New Issue Of Hello Beautiful

Marsai Martin is on the cover of the new issue of Hello Beautiful magazine. The young actress is on the cover to promote her new film, Fantasy Football. Highlights from her interview are below.

On her Fantasy Football cast mates: “This cast, I would never expect them to all be together creating one project. It feels very fan fiction. Fantasy Football is super action-packed with so many beautiful set pieces. It’s a movie where you’re always wondering what’s next. You see two worlds collide in a space where it just brings out chaos. And I think that’s pretty dope.”

On her 18th birthday: “That whole weekend was so different, not because of the party itself but because my whole family was there. It felt like Thanksgiving or a family reunion where you haven’t seen anybody in years. This was a monumental moment for many people because they watched me grow. Whether you’ve seen me on the TV screen or even being very close to my family, I think that’s what made me so happy. It was fun; it was just a good time. I had to cancel all my meetings that next week because I was just on a high of excitement. It was a perfect start to going into this new chapter.”

On her Thanksgiving plans: “I don’t do Thanksgiving at any other place but mine. I like to know who cooked what, and I want to see who cooked it.”

You can check out even more from her interview here. Fantasy Football premieres on Paramount+ on November 25.

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