EXCLUSIVE: D’Arcy Carden & Cheech Marin Talk Their Cast Members in Shotgun Wedding

Prime Video is gearing up to release its new rom com, Shotgun Wedding and we got the chance to hear from two of the stars of the movie, D’Arcy Carden and Cheech Marin.

During the chat, the two talked living on an island with their cast mates, filming the movie, and so much more. Check out what the two had to say below.

Can you talk a little bit about what it was like to make this movie?
Carden: “This was such a dream come true in every aspect. The movie, the script, the cast, the location, the director, every bit, every bit of it. So yeah, this character, I remember reading the script and I just couldn’t read it fast enough. Everything about it, I love all the twists and turns. It’s fun to read a script for the first time because you’re almost like the audience, like I was rooting for Josh [Duhamel] and J-Lo [Jennifer Lopez]. I was rooting for, I didn’t know where anything was going to go with us or with anybody. It’s reminding me of what the audience will see when they watch this movie. And it was so fun to read. I’m excited for people to see it.”

What was it like to live on an island for six weeks with your cast mates?
Marin: “That was the fun part. The only thing I regretted is I should have read this script a lot closer. They said, ‘Oh, and they go in the pool and they’re there for 21 days.'”

Carden: “Yeah, we were soggy.”

Marin: “I don’t think I ever did get out. I was just hoping that all my body parts would go back to their original shape.”

Carden: “A year and a half later?”

Marin: “A year and a half later. And we’re still hoping.”

Carden: “Yeah, we hope. It was weirdly, one of the most fun parts. I mean, I agree with you that if somebody said you have to live with your castmates, you might go, huh? But it really was, was so wonderful and bonding and special, and especially during the pandemic where you weren’t really working as much and making new friends and eating meals together. It was just, it made it even more special.

Marin: “Yeah. It was a special film. I mean, I’ve never had an experience like this, and I don’t want to have an experience like this because I want this to be unique. And this was unique and it was a lot of… Couldn’t have more fun on a movie than we did.”

What was it like having Jason Moore direct you in this movie?
Carden: “It was such a production and such a huge thing with action, and adventure, and romance, and this and that, and the beach. But Jason was so calm and such a good communicator. I was really impressed. He’s such a good director.”

Marin: “We had this big table read before we started the whole thing. This first time ever, the cast sat around and we did this table read and Jason came up to me after and says, ‘Well, you’re the most underwritten part in this whole movie, so we’ll make it up as we go along, I guess.’ Sounds good to me. I could do that. And it was interesting because the camera was always moving, and so you had to be ready for it if it was going to come into your little pod there.”

Was there a particular scene in the movie that made you laugh while you were filming it?
Carden: “There was some good [Jennifer] Coolidge, Steve Coulter, they would just sort of go playing husband and wife, Josh’s parents. I feel like Coolidge ripped her wig off at one point.”

Marin: “Anything that Steve Coulter said cracked me up and I had to really hold back and if he only said one word, this is an actor who gets more out of one word than any actor I’ve ever seen before. He was always so dry and boom, right to the center.”

Shotgun Wedding will be released to Prime Video on January 27.

*This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Photo credit: Ana Carballosa/Lionsgate

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