Jenna Ortega Covers The Impact Issue Of ELLE

Jenna Ortega is on the cover of the “Impact Issue” of ELLE. The young actress is on the cover to promote her new film, Scream VI. Highlights from her interview is below.

On her character in Scream VI: “In the last one, I was screaming and crying the entire time. This time, I actually had to create a personality for her. I actually had to decide, What does she wear? What’s her favorite color? How does she wear her makeup? What’s her sense of humor?”

On acting: “If I want to make films so badly and I want to play characters or I want to direct and write film scores, I could do that all in my backyard. I don’t have to be doing it on a grand scale like this. But ultimately, all the other side stuff that comes with my job, sometimes it makes it feel like it’s almost not worth it. I don’t want to feel like a walking billboard, which is a really, really scary feeling because then you feel less and less in control of your life. I feel like I’ve seen a lot of people or know people who have succumbed to that pressure. I don’t want to belong to anyone or anything.”

On her dating: “Maybe I am too obsessed with my work, but the idea of relationships stresses me out. And also being that vulnerable with someone and having to get to know someone that well and having someone see you for all that you are…My brain knows that I don’t need to think about that right now.”

You can check out even more from her interview here. Scream VI hits theaters on March 10.

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