EXCLUSIVE: Madison Lagares Chats Playing “Frenchy” in Paramount+’s ‘Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies’

Paramount+’s new series, Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies is currently streaming and we got the chance to chat with one of the show’s breakout stars, Madison Lagares.

Lagares plays one of the original Pink Ladies, Frenchy in the new series. We got the chance to talk to Lagares about bringing to life the character, working with another fellow Pink Lady, her on screen chemistry with Marisa Davila, Broadway, her new single, and so much more. Check out what she had to say below.

How did you land the part of “Frenchy”?
“I was sent the audition for Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies by my manager and immediately knew I had to take it! I loved the storyline and was so excited to bring the character to life. I sent the casting directors my scene and a song and for the callbacks I had to do a dance combo as well. After going through 3 of those callbacks and the final one, I waited for the news for about 2 months. Then while my mom and I were on a drive, she pulled over and told me we had to do a ‘televisit’ with my doctor on a Zoom call. When we joined the Zoom and it had my agent, manager and my dad on the call, I immediately knew this wasn’t a call with my doctor and they told me I had booked the role of Frenchy!”

Did you know who you would be playing prior to landing the role or after?
“I originally auditioned for Frenchy so I knew I would be playing her iconic character when I booked the show.”

Were you nervous to play the character and to see the response from the fans?
“Honestly, yes I was. My first fear was that the audience wouldn’t recognize my character when they saw my scenes. It was also a lot of pressure to take on such a well-known character. I didn’t want to completely imitate Didi Conn, but rather wanted to add a little bit of myself into Frenchy as well. Once the show came out, I was so relieved and joyful that the audience fell in love with Frenchy just as much as I did.”

Your portrayal of the iconic character is amazing; how did you nail down the fast-talking dialogue?
“Thank you! It did take me a while to nail the fast-talking lines to be frank. It was difficult because I had to keep ‘the voice’ along with the slight accent and her fast-paced dialogue. It was a hit or miss most of the time when I started out. I either did the voice right but slurred my words when I was talking, or spoke at the right pace but lost the voice along the way. But the more I practiced and got used to it, the easier it became for me!”

You are not the only iconic Pink Lady to make an appearance in the first season. Can you talk about working with Emma Shannon?
“Emma is so amazing to work with. The first time I met her in person where we were staying, I knew I wouldn’t have to do much acting at all in order to show the audience a friendship. I feel like we became friends so quickly! It went from meeting for the first time ever, to late night taco runs and shopping for clothes together.”

Your chemistry with your onscreen sister, Marisa Davila is also amazing. Was that something you and Marisa had to work on or was it instant?
“Oh my gosh it was instant with Marisa and I. From the moment I met her I knew she would be like the big sister I never had. She’s so genuinely sweet, matches my energy and gives the best advice! I learned so much from her not only as an actress, but as a person!”

If the show gets a second season, what would you like to see happen to Frenchy?
“I’m crossing my fingers for a second season, and if there is one, I’m hoping that the show will continue to develop the friendship between Frenchy and Rizzo and give audiences an ‘aha moment’ as to how these two young troublemakers became the iconic characters known from the original movie! I’m also hoping that the relationship with Frenchy and her big sister Jane will continue to grow.”

Do you have a favorite musical scene from the show?
“So far, my favorite musical number from the show would have to be ‘The Boom.’ The song is so catchy, I love the harmonies, and the choreography is amazing to watch. All of it put together is just magical.”

We don’t get to see you sing just yet on the show, but you are no newcomer to the music world. You just released your new single, “Us Against The World”. Can you talk a little bit about your new single?
“Yes, music has always been such a prevalent part of my life, and always will be. When my producer Dave sent me the song ‘Us Against the World’ to record, I knew I would love it. The lyrics are beautiful and the instrumentals are gorgeous. I knew it would be a little bit of a challenge to hit some of the lower notes in the beginning of the song, but I love myself a challenge, so I kept practicing until I nailed them! I always love recording new songs in the studio, and hearing how a song comes together. I’m also so grateful to my producer and the rest of my team who are so supportive and open to hearing my feedback and crazy ideas!”

Why did it make sense for “Us Against The World” to be your follow-up single to “In the Meadow”?
“I had a few ideas for songs to record and release after ‘In the Meadow,’ but hearing ‘Us Against the World’ for the first time, I knew this one had to be the next one. I was so eager for people to hear and listen to it!”

You have also starred on Broadway, any plans to return to the stage?
“I loved every second of being on the Broadway stage and I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again at any given time! I’ve been participating in a lot of readings for some amazing upcoming Broadway shows and hopefully I get to continue with those and see how it turns out.”

What else can fans expect to see from you in 2023?
“I’m always in the studio recording new music and I’m planning on releasing some more originals this year too which is so exciting. I’m also working on some new and upcoming Broadway and TV projects that I can’t wait to share.”

Where can readers follow you on social media?
“On Instagram I’m @MadisonLagares and TikTok @TheMadisonLagares”

Photo credit: Corinne Louie

*This interview has been edited for length and clarity

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