Demi Lovato Covers The Hollywood Reporter

Demi Lovato is on the cover of The Hollywood Reporter. The singer is on the cover to promote her new documentary, Child Star. Highlights from her interview are below.

On the pressures of being s Disney Kid: “At Disney, you became this instant role model, whether you liked it or not,” she says now.“And because Disney Channel was so big at the time, there was also this unspoken pressure that if you did make a mistake, you knew that there were millions of people just waiting to take your spot.”

On her life after Camp Rock: “I think I’d passed the threshold of what I could withstand emotionally and physically. And I didn’t realize that child stardom could be traumatic — and it isn’t traumatic for everyone, but for me, it was.”

On her difficult relationship with her parents: “Having the child be the breadwinner almost inherently changes the dynamic of a family, and then it becomes, like, how do you discipline that breadwinner? I mean, they’d try to ground me, but I was an egotistical child star, and I thought I was on top of the world. I’d be like, ‘But I pay the bills,’ and what do you say to that?”

You can check out more from her interview here. Child Star will premiere on Hulu on September 17.

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